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 EILEEN ≈ California Dreamin'

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Eileen Davenport
Eileen Davenport

→ Messages : 19
→ Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016
→ Facetime : Emily Bett Rickards
→ Âge : 26 y.o.

Disponibilité RP :

EILEEN ≈ California Dreamin' Empty
MessageSujet: EILEEN ≈ California Dreamin'   EILEEN ≈ California Dreamin' EmptyMar 27 Sep - 18:46

Feeling my way through the darkness, Guided by a beating heart, I can't tell where the journey will end, But I know where to start,They tell me I'm too young to understand, They say I'm caught up in a dream
Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes, Well that's fine by me
vingt-six ans
cœur à prendre
emplois polyvalents
groupe : atwood
Elle parle souvent toute seule. ≈ Elle adore les glaces. Elle pourrait en manger tout le temps. ≈ C’est une vraie tête, au niveau connaissance.  ≈ Elle est par contre une véritable catastrophe en matière de cuisine. Elle loupe pratiquement tout ce qu’elle fait, à part de petits mets simples. ≈ Elle adore les animaux. Elle possède d’ailleurs 2 chiens. Un dalmatien du nom de Tao et un berger australien qu’elle a nommé Loki. Il est rare de la voir sans, lorsqu’elle ne travaille pas. ≈ Elle est assez fofolle et joyeuse dans son genre. Elle n’aime pas se laisser démonter. ≈ Si c’est une véritable petite intello, elle est tout de même tête en l’air lorsqu’il s’agit des choses du quotidien. ≈ Son côté geek lui a donné une image stéréotypée de fille isolée et sage alors que ce n’est pas du tout le cas. Elle aime sortir faire la fête et ne se lasse jamais de rencontrer de nouvelles personnes. ≈ Comme il semblerait que son séjour à Newport soit plus long que prévu et qu’elle n’a pas les fonds pour rembourser l’appartement actuellement, elle s’est cherchée plusieurs petits boulots : Elle donne des cours d’appui aux universitaires d’Irvine et a trouvé une petite place de serveuse extra pour les soirées. Elle propose également ses lumières en informatique pour les quelques sociétés établies là. ≈ Très maladroite en acte comme en parole, il lui arrive souvent de manquer de tact ou de ne pas trouver les bons mots.  
code par Carolynn - gif par Tumblr - code par Carolynn - gif par Tumblr - code par Carolynn

Dernière édition par Eileen Davenport le Mar 27 Sep - 18:59, édité 2 fois
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Eileen Davenport
Eileen Davenport

→ Messages : 19
→ Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016
→ Facetime : Emily Bett Rickards
→ Âge : 26 y.o.

Disponibilité RP :

EILEEN ≈ California Dreamin' Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EILEEN ≈ California Dreamin'   EILEEN ≈ California Dreamin' EmptyMar 27 Sep - 18:47

intitulé du lien.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” the bouncer said, folding his arms across his massive chest. He stared down at the boy in the red zip-up jacket and shook his shaved head. “You can’t bring that thing in here.” The fifty or so teenagers in line outside the Pandemonium Club leaned forward to eavesdrop. It was a long wait to get into the all-ages club, especially on a Sunday, and not much generally happened in line. The bouncers were fierce and would come down instantly on anyone who looked like they were going to start trouble. Fifteen-year-old Clary Fray, standing in line with her best friend, Simon, leaned forward along with everyone else, hoping for some excitement. “Aw, come on.” The kid hoisted the thing up over his head. It looked like a wooden beam, pointed at one end. “It’s part of my costume.” The bouncer raised an eyebrow. “Which is what?” The boy grinned. He was normal-enough-looking, Clary thought, for Pandemonium. He had electric blue dyed hair that stuck up around his head like the tendrils of a startled octopus, but no elaborate facial tattoos or big metal bars through his ears or lips. “I’m a vampire slayer.” He pushed down on the wooden thing. It bent as easily as a blade of grass bending sideways. “It’s fake. Foam rubber. See?”

intitulé du lien.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” the bouncer said, folding his arms across his massive chest. He stared down at the boy in the red zip-up jacket and shook his shaved head. “You can’t bring that thing in here.” The fifty or so teenagers in line outside the Pandemonium Club leaned forward to eavesdrop. It was a long wait to get into the all-ages club, especially on a Sunday, and not much generally happened in line. The bouncers were fierce and would come down instantly on anyone who looked like they were going to start trouble. Fifteen-year-old Clary Fray, standing in line with her best friend, Simon, leaned forward along with everyone else, hoping for some excitement. “Aw, come on.” The kid hoisted the thing up over his head. It looked like a wooden beam, pointed at one end. “It’s part of my costume.” The bouncer raised an eyebrow. “Which is what?” The boy grinned. He was normal-enough-looking, Clary thought, for Pandemonium. He had electric blue dyed hair that stuck up around his head like the tendrils of a startled octopus, but no elaborate facial tattoos or big metal bars through his ears or lips. “I’m a vampire slayer.” He pushed down on the wooden thing. It bent as easily as a blade of grass bending sideways. “It’s fake. Foam rubber. See?”

intitulé du lien.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” the bouncer said, folding his arms across his massive chest. He stared down at the boy in the red zip-up jacket and shook his shaved head. “You can’t bring that thing in here.” The fifty or so teenagers in line outside the Pandemonium Club leaned forward to eavesdrop. It was a long wait to get into the all-ages club, especially on a Sunday, and not much generally happened in line. The bouncers were fierce and would come down instantly on anyone who looked like they were going to start trouble. Fifteen-year-old Clary Fray, standing in line with her best friend, Simon, leaned forward along with everyone else, hoping for some excitement. “Aw, come on.” The kid hoisted the thing up over his head. It looked like a wooden beam, pointed at one end. “It’s part of my costume.” The bouncer raised an eyebrow. “Which is what?” The boy grinned. He was normal-enough-looking, Clary thought, for Pandemonium. He had electric blue dyed hair that stuck up around his head like the tendrils of a startled octopus, but no elaborate facial tattoos or big metal bars through his ears or lips. “I’m a vampire slayer.” He pushed down on the wooden thing. It bent as easily as a blade of grass bending sideways. “It’s fake. Foam rubber. See?”

intitulé du lien.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” the bouncer said, folding his arms across his massive chest. He stared down at the boy in the red zip-up jacket and shook his shaved head. “You can’t bring that thing in here.” The fifty or so teenagers in line outside the Pandemonium Club leaned forward to eavesdrop. It was a long wait to get into the all-ages club, especially on a Sunday, and not much generally happened in line. The bouncers were fierce and would come down instantly on anyone who looked like they were going to start trouble. Fifteen-year-old Clary Fray, standing in line with her best friend, Simon, leaned forward along with everyone else, hoping for some excitement. “Aw, come on.” The kid hoisted the thing up over his head. It looked like a wooden beam, pointed at one end. “It’s part of my costume.” The bouncer raised an eyebrow. “Which is what?” The boy grinned. He was normal-enough-looking, Clary thought, for Pandemonium. He had electric blue dyed hair that stuck up around his head like the tendrils of a startled octopus, but no elaborate facial tattoos or big metal bars through his ears or lips. “I’m a vampire slayer.” He pushed down on the wooden thing. It bent as easily as a blade of grass bending sideways. “It’s fake. Foam rubber. See?”

Dernière édition par Eileen Davenport le Mar 27 Sep - 18:51, édité 1 fois
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Eileen Davenport
Eileen Davenport

→ Messages : 19
→ Date d'inscription : 19/09/2016
→ Facetime : Emily Bett Rickards
→ Âge : 26 y.o.

Disponibilité RP :

EILEEN ≈ California Dreamin' Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EILEEN ≈ California Dreamin'   EILEEN ≈ California Dreamin' EmptyMar 27 Sep - 18:49

+2 si besoin :angel:

Et c'est à vous ♥️
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Khayden Freeman
☆ Light Inside My Heart
Khayden Freeman

→ Messages : 44
→ Date d'inscription : 15/09/2016
→ Âge : 24 ans
→ Métier/Etudes : Etudiant en art dramatique et art de la scène, mais travaille dans tous les petits boulots disponibles.
→ Mood of heart : Célibataire

Disponibilité RP : Libre

EILEEN ≈ California Dreamin' Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EILEEN ≈ California Dreamin'   EILEEN ≈ California Dreamin' EmptyVen 30 Sep - 13:14

Cuuuuucoooooooo Very Happy
Je viens voir si un lien t'intéresserais !

Idée : Tu as enchaîner les petits boulots apparemment, et moi aussi. On peut s'être rencontrés la bas. Ensuite on aurait parler de nos vies (en tant que collègues) puis on se serait trouver des points communs comme par exemple l'amour de nos chiens ou bien le fait qu'on soit nazes en cuisine.. Et de là serait née une amitié. Pourquoi pas bons amis, ou meilleurs amis ? Smile
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Damian Butler
Damian Butler

→ Messages : 111
→ Date d'inscription : 18/08/2016
→ Facetime : Jamie Dornan
→ Âge : 34 y.o.
→ Métier/Etudes : Propriétaire de la "Z Galerie" / Artiste indépendant / Professeur d'histoire de l'art
→ Mood of heart : almost divorced

Disponibilité RP :

EILEEN ≈ California Dreamin' Empty
MessageSujet: Re: EILEEN ≈ California Dreamin'   EILEEN ≈ California Dreamin' EmptyVen 30 Sep - 17:15

Je réponds sous Damian car je suis sur mon téléphone et j'ai la flemme de changer de compte haha :mooh:

J'adooooooooore ton idée I love you vraiment. Mais niveau chronologie, Eileen vient de revenir à Newport, leur rencontre serait donc toute récente. Mais si cela te convient, on peut partir sur cette idée et développer le lien par la suite ? Ça nous fera de très bonnes raisons de RP haha :mooh:
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EILEEN ≈ California Dreamin' Empty
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EILEEN ≈ California Dreamin'

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» (Emily B. Rickards) ≈ Come on Eileen, At this moment you mean everything

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